....one of them taking a picture of me taking a picture!
Life. Allison style.
And a day outside would not be complete without Logan finding a stick to use as a sword/weapon on his brother.
(photos taken from Jay's Crackberry...I mean, Blackberry)
In their stockings, the boys found candy, toys, and tape measures (so they can be just like Daddy and measure stuff). Even Keegan got one!
Gray was particularly excited about the Nerds he found at the bottom of his stocking.
And here we have the coveted Bat Cave.
This was not on the original Christmas list, but as Christmas drew closer and the advertising execs. had a ball pumping the cartoon channels with toy commercials, the Bat Cave rose to the top of the list and was repeatedly requested to Santa in person. So much so that "Santa" had to run around town on 12/23 in search of said Cave so as not to ruin Christmas for two "good" little boys. Luckily, he was successful seeing as Mommy really did not want to pay extra for overnight shipping. In all seriousness though, they have not stopped playing with it (or fighting over it) since Christmas morning. Christmas would surely have been ruined, despite the living room full of new toys, had Santa forgotten the Bat Cave.