With all this free food I've been getting lately, I've gotta find some time to go for a run...or else.
Free food off the $1 menu at Wendy's here.
Buy one get one free at Denny's here (no, we don't have one here in Tally anymore, but for my non-Tally readers)
And my personal favorite....
Free fondue for two at the Melting Pot here.
**UPDATE** The Melting Pot deal is NOT my favorite anymore. You have to buy dinner in order to get the free fondue, which was misleading on their part. Not a good deal seeing how you have to spend like $75 on food you have to cook yourself (as Jay would say) just to get dessert.
I guess my favorite deal now is the free Quiznos from earlier this week. Tried it yesterday and it worked like a champ. Didn't work so well for Dad. They accused him of photocopying mine. LOL. My was printed from my color printer and his was from his black and white printer. Nevermind the fact that mine had MY name on it and his had HIS name on it.
Want more free food? Check out my posts labeled "Frugal Finds".
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
He's a natural!
Not even another (yes, ANOTHER) illness could keep this boy from missing his first day of t-ball. We, the proud parents, took 151 photos. Check back tomorrow for photos of my son's natural-born talent! :)
I *heart* free food!
Taking a time-out from time-out
The timer went off and I called for him to come over and talk to me about why he was sent to time-out. No answer. I called again. No answer. This is what I found.

Can you tell he spends some time here?
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Baby Bears

I got a phone call yesterday from Logan's T-ball coach informing us of the practice time, place, and other information. The following is the conversation I had with Logan later that day.
ME: Your T-ball coach called me today.
ME: To tell me where your practices are going to be.
LOGAN: Where?
ME: Winthrop (their favorite park).
LOGAN: Whoa! Cool! I'm going to play on the playground!!!!
ME: No, you're going to do t-ball.
LOGAN: And play on the playground a lot.
ME: (ignoring this comment) And he told me that you're team name is the Cubs!
LOGAN: What are Cubs?
ME: Baby bears.
LOGAN: EWWWW, NO!!!!! I don't wanna be a BABY bear, I want to be a BIG, SCARY bear. I'm not going to be a Cub.
So Logan's first t-ball experience is going well so far.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Allison Health Update
We finally found out that Keegan has double ear infections. Fun. But at least it's treatable. Now if only he'd take the antibiotics like the good little boy that he usually is so he could get better. For such a mild-mannered child, he really puts up quite the fight when it comes to putting anything in his mouth other than milk. It's not like it even tastes bad, but he spits, thrashes, and screams his way through each dose. Twice a day, for ten days, which will then likely be followed by another round of antibiotics when the infection doesn't clear up since more of it usually ends up on me than in his belly.
We are looking forward to the weekend. I've been sick all week myself, and mom kindly came over on Wednesday for an American-Idol-dishes-washing-children-bathing-laundry-folding party since things were getting seriously out of control in my house. Much better, although there's still plenty of work to be done. Any volunteers!?!?!
Have a great weekend!
We are looking forward to the weekend. I've been sick all week myself, and mom kindly came over on Wednesday for an American-Idol-dishes-washing-children-bathing-laundry-folding party since things were getting seriously out of control in my house. Much better, although there's still plenty of work to be done. Any volunteers!?!?!
Have a great weekend!
A sign of the times
Lately, I've been finding lots of really great restaurant/food/travel coupons and thought I'd start posting some here. Either I look harder for them now or it's just a sign of our economic times and proof that all types of businesses are hurting as more and more people cut back. Either way, I love free stuff and I'm assuming you do too.

Click here, print, and take this to T.G.I.Friday's (not on V-day, sorry!) for a Buy 1 Get 1 FREE entree.
Thanks SouthernSavers

Click here, print, and take this to T.G.I.Friday's (not on V-day, sorry!) for a Buy 1 Get 1 FREE entree.
Thanks SouthernSavers
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Free Favorites
With the kids being so sick, this was not a great shopping week for me. I didn't make it to Walgreen's and I boycotted CVS for this ad run. They're running a "test ad" this week in Florida which doesn't include any Extra Care Buck deals (which is how I get stuff for free there). Even though they had a few things I needed, I didn't want to contribute to their little marketing test. I did manage great Publix trip (without kids!!!!) where I saved about as much as I spent, including the use of $27 worth of coupons. I got Muir Glen tomato paste, Jiffy Pop popcorn, and Pam Cooking Spray for free. We ate out or ordered in a few times more than normal thanks to the germs infesting my house, but hopefully I made up for it with my cheap Publix week.
On the mend
We are on our way back to normal, I believe. Keegan and I still have a fever off and on, but the rest of the house is pretty much back to normal. There was plenty of fighting, wrestling, whining, singing, guitar playing, and laughing throughout the house today. In other words, just a normal Saturday in the Allison house.
After being cooped up in the house most of the week, we decided to stretch our legs a little bit today and enjoy the fresh air. It was 70 degrees with clear skies today. What a change from the lows in the teens that we've had this week! We took the kids to Chick-fil-a for dinner, where they were very well-behaved and amazed us by the amount of food they ate. Not to be outdone, Keegan decided to try french fries and chicken nuggets and LOVED it. So, I guess he does eat solid foods...just not baby food. We then immediately headed over to Costco where the boys yelled loudly, "What's for dinner, mom? I'm starving!!!!" Ummm....didn't we just feed you a half hour ago?
After being cooped up in the house most of the week, we decided to stretch our legs a little bit today and enjoy the fresh air. It was 70 degrees with clear skies today. What a change from the lows in the teens that we've had this week! We took the kids to Chick-fil-a for dinner, where they were very well-behaved and amazed us by the amount of food they ate. Not to be outdone, Keegan decided to try french fries and chicken nuggets and LOVED it. So, I guess he does eat solid foods...just not baby food. We then immediately headed over to Costco where the boys yelled loudly, "What's for dinner, mom? I'm starving!!!!" Ummm....didn't we just feed you a half hour ago?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Over the past several days, we have done more laundry, Lysol-ed more rooms, blown more noses, and cleaned up more vomit than I really care to discuss. We are exhausted and my contacts are sticking to my eyes. I also almost forgot to brush my teeth before I went to work this morning. Nothing major -- just the normal-kid-illness kind of stuff, but it's sucking in a very big way at the moment.
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