In case we haven't caught up in awhile, here's what's happening in our house!
Keegan Matthew is due in about 8 weeks. Hopefully, for me that means 4 weeks. You know how I cook my babies extra fast and all. Keegan will bring up the Allison caboose. We're officially done.

Logan's 4th birthday party will be at Chuck E. Cheese on 4/7. He's ecstatic about it. His entire class is invited, along with some outside-of-school friends. He's having a Batman theme and has a Batman costume to go along with it. Should be fun...except for the fact that our Chuck E. Cheese no longer serves beer for the grown ups. Haven't broken the news to Jay just yet....

Jay spent a long three weeks away from us last month at a training in Fort Lauderdale. The kids missed him to death, and I realized that he actually does contribute to the daily chores and things around the house (my dad had to take out our garbage!). It all paid off though, and he is now a certified ITIL Service Manager. Not really sure what that means, but I know that the majority of people in his class failed and there are only a few people in our state that have the certification. The passing rate is low and you only need like a 50% to pass. Crazy. Anyway, we're all really proud of him and celebrated with an extra large Heineken (normal Heineken's for everyone else and juice for the boys), a Cookie Cake, and lots of food! We're so glad to have him back home!

I'm finishing up my 3rd year as a School Psychologist. Spring Break starts today! I love my job! I'm going to work on the baby room this week and spend some quality time with Logan. By quality time, I mean he's going to help me fold Baby Keegan's laundry and clean out closets. Lucky him.
Your photos are beautiful. You look beautiful Katie and your boys are dolls. Ian created our blog but I keep meaning to go one and write a bit more about us. Now you have inspired me to do that! I hope you are felling well these days. I think Ian and I will be trying for number two this summer.
We'll see what happens.
Congratulations, Katie! Your family is growing and beautiful! I can't believe you are having boy #3! I am going to have girl #4!! :) Too funny! I miss you guys and hope I can make it up to visit sometime. Take care of yoruselves and I hope your last few weeks fly by with lots of comfort and convenience! God bless!
Love you! Claudette
I love your blog! It is wonderful to see that you all are doing so well and the awesome pictures of the boys! I will bookmark your page and look forward to sharing with you in your journey with baby number three! Congrats to you all and I miss you!
Katie, You look great! Congratulations!
I can't believe you are calling it quits. I think you need a little girl for you. Jay can take the boys out and you can shop and get your nails done with your daughter!
cuz' Linda
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