Sunday, June 29, 2008
lite ranch
(we're at Nana's house and the kids are eating ranch dip with veggies)
LOGAN: Mama, is ranch good for you or bad for you?
ME: Sorta bad for you (I'm not sure where he's going with this).
LOGAN: Well, we are eating ranch dip!
ME: Yes, but that's Lite Ranch, which is a little better for you.
LOGAN: Yeah, but dark ranch isn't! Dark ranch is bad!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Prickly Heat

In other Keegan news:
1. He now weighs 12 lbs, 6 oz. (what a big boy!) and has outgrown most of his 0-3 month clothes allowing me to pack up yet another box of crap I'll never need again to send to Jenna. Special thanks to Jenna for helping me purge my unwanted items and find them new homes!
2. He really, really, really wants to smile. I can see it in his eyes, but not quite on his lips.
3. He can, if he wants to, sleep for 5.5 hour stretches at night. Usually he doesn't want to.
4. He sleeps right through the boys running through the house playing "Kung Fu Panda". I think he finds it soothing.
Lots of work to do
So, here's my conversation with Logan a couple of days before they left. He had just gotten up from his nap, which is always when he's the sweetest.
LOGAN: Is it Wednesday yet?
ME: No, it's Monday.
LOGAN: Because when it's Wednesday, we're going to just JUMP into the car with Nana and Papa, drive to Universal Studios, go to the hotel, go swimming, and go to the biggest McDonald's in the world!
ME: Ok. Well, it's Monday.
LOGAN: And then I'm going to miss you SO much...when it's Wednesday, you know.
ME: Well, I'll miss you too!
LOGAN: But I won't miss you TOO much because we are going to be VERY busy. We have a LOT of work to do! (this sounds familiar -- right down to the tone of his voice. It's me, on any given weekend, trying to get the laundry or cleaning done with two little boys at my feet wanting to go "somewhere fun")
ME: Work?
LOGAN: Yeah! We have to go to work. You know, like we have to go swimming, go on all the rides, go to the world's biggest McDonalds...
If only work were really like that! By the way, I think their perception of "work" is kind of skewed. Pretty much on a daily basis, we drive by an elementary school near our house which is also "Mama's work". From the road, you can only really see the playground, so the boys must think I work at a playground all day. If only...
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Mad Face -- 1980

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
My new pet Keegan
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Mad Face

It's the face I get when I say "no", as in: "No, you cannot have pudding for breakfast", "No, we cannot call our friends and invite ourselves over to swim at 7am", and "No, we cannot go to Wild Adventures today. Mommy has to do the laundry".
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Squeaky Clean
Brotherly Love
Yesterday, I took the older ones to Publix and left Keegan at home with Daddy. Whoo-hoo! Big day out for Mommy (since I couldn't remember the last time I had left the house). The boys told everyone in the store (who would listen) that they had a new baby brother, but we left him at home. After the initial quizzical, judgemental look, the customer would realize that Keegan was probably just home with Daddy...not home alone.
Logan calls him "my baby Keeg" and Gavin still treats him like he's a new pet. Overall, they try to be a big help. They actually fight over who can be "Mommy's Big Helper" when I need a burp cloth or diaper. Of course, the intentions are there, but it doesn't end up being much of a help when I need something and they decide to wrestle each other to be the first to get it to me. Someone always gets hurt...usually it's Gray, the child that is prone to accidents and has about 8 bruises and 4 band-aids on at any given time.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Looking for paradise?

This post is for those of you looking for a new home in Florida and to our northern family and friends who have always wanted to live in paradise:
Check out this link to my Aunt and cousin's development, Via Mare. We're so proud of them and we were fortunate enough to take a tour not too long ago. The view of the beach is breathtaking, no expense was spared on the interior, and I can only imagine what it would be like to sip wine from the roof terrace and call it my home.

Monday, June 9, 2008
Viewer discretion advised
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
How he got his nickname

When he was born, we compromised and named him Gavin Roy Allison (or GRAy). Logan was unable to say Gavin at the time, so Gray stuck with him as a nickname.
When he started school, everyone called him Gavin. I know my little baby is growing up, but it hurts to hear him say, "I'm not Gray, I'm GAVIN!" when to me he's still my "Baby Gray".
A few weeks ago, he fell and hit his tooth. It recently turned Gray, so he continues to live up to his name whether he likes it or not. You can see it in the photo if you look carefully -- it's his top right front tooth. So until those permanent teeth come in, he continues to be my Baby Gray.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Tea for three

Monday, June 2, 2008
Ahoy, Matey