So, I finally took him to the pediatrician. I swear I feel like my family is single-handedly paying the guy's salary this summer. Thank God for good medical insurance!
The verdict? Unless the rash is fungal, which it may or may not be, it's probably something called "prickly heat".
Wikipedia says:
"Miliaria (miliaria rubra, sweat rash or prickly heat) is a skin disease marked by small and itchy rashes. Miliaria is a common ailment in hot and humid conditions, such as in the tropics and during the summer season. Although it affects people of all ages, it is especially common in children and infants due to their underdeveloped sweat glands. Symptoms of miliaria include small red rashes, called papules, which may itch or more often cause an intense 'pins-and-needles' prickling sensation."
Hmmm.....infants living in hot, humid climates? Sound like anyone you know?
So there we have it.

In other Keegan news:
1. He now weighs 12 lbs, 6 oz. (what a big boy!) and has outgrown most of his 0-3 month clothes allowing me to pack up yet another box of crap I'll never need again to send to Jenna. Special thanks to Jenna for helping me purge my unwanted items and find them new homes!
2. He really, really, really wants to smile. I can see it in his eyes, but not quite on his lips.
3. He can, if he wants to, sleep for 5.5 hour stretches at night. Usually he doesn't want to.
4. He sleeps right through the boys running through the house playing "Kung Fu Panda". I think he finds it soothing.
Poor baby, you both must be miserable. Looking at that picture, he almost looks like a mixture of Gavin and Logan. Kind of like Gavin's facial features with Logan's coloring. Sooo cute!
Oh he is just beautiful! He looks so content. Alyssa had a bad rash like that (I'll send a picture when I get home and you can see if it looks the same) and it turned out to be cradle cap. They had to wash/scrub her head and wash her face with with Aveno baby shampoo which they still use and it smells so nice I've been tempted to get it for me!
Karen in Phx :)
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