(3 little sickies)
Last Saturday, Logan brought home what I now refer to as "the plague". New year, new school, new illness, and boy was this one a doozie. Logan started with it on Saturday. One minute he was fine and the next...he had a fever of 104.2! On the morning the plague took up residence in our home, I faintly remember Logan repeatedly telling me he was freezing, to which I replied (with a hint of annoyance), "Well, go put some clothes on then". Then, it was just too quiet in the playroom. You know, the kind of quiet that sparks your mommy-radar and makes you think someone is either dead or up to no good. So, I went to check it out. Logan was lying on his bed...very quietly...under all of his covers...watching a movie. This might be normal for your child, but it's not normal in my house. Usually, they boys like to act out whatever movie their watching. And they're usually watching Kung Fu Panda, so they're usually jumping off of furniture and practicing their karate moves. They are not quiet movie watchers. Long story short, Jay rushed him to Urgent Care (my kids only get sick on the weekends when we have to wait in long lines to see the on-call, non-pediatrician doctors), and two hours later we found out that it was viral. He then threw up in the car on the way home and, despite the towels that Jay thoughtfully brought along, he proceeded to get it on his clothes, the car seat, and even the car. It ran its course in about 2-4 days -- fever, vomiting, sore throat, repeat with next family member. Fortunately, the baby and I were spared...or at least, we got only minor versions of it. Eight days and a bottle of Lysol later, I'm proud to say the plague has left the Allison household.
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