Thursday, October 23, 2008

we must be doing something right

Yesterday afternoon, the kids received their annual Halloween candy and cards in the mail from Gram and Gramps. They excitedly opened the cards to see what was inside (after all, we all know that's the best part -- what's inside), and the following conversation ensued:

LOGAN: Ohhhhhh! MONEY!!!!!!!

GAVIN: Yay! Money!!!!

ME: Oh, that's nice. What should we do with it? Put it in your piggy bank?

LOGAN: No, mama. I want to give it to the sick children at the children's hospital.

ME: (I'm so proud of him!) That's so nice, Logan. You are such a thoughtful and generous boy!

GRAY: (gauging my reaction and not wanting to be left out) I want to give my money to the sick children too, mama! I don't want to put it in my piggy bank.

And so we put all the money (Keegan's too, since the consensus was that if he could talk he, too, would want to give his money to the sick kids) in an envelope to send to Logan's school for the St. Jude Trike-a-thon next week. And I went to bed that night satisfied that we are raising our children to appreciate what they have, to help others in need, and to "do unto others..."

~ For it is in giving that we receive ~
~ St. Francis Assisi ~


Anonymous said...

That brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. They are really good boys. And Katie and Jay are the best parents!

Karen said...

That's wonderful!!! Congratulations on instilling the need to help others at an early age.
'auntie' Karen