We got all ready to go at Nana's house

The boys wanted to be Ninjas this year. Actually, they just wanted to be anything that came with a sword, as in: "Hey Logan, do you want to be a fireman?", "Does it come with a sword?" and "Hey Gavin, do you want to be Spiderman?", "Does it come with a sword?"
These were the safest and best swords I could find. From the Dollar Store of all places.

We practiced "Trick or Treating" at the Presbyterian Church by my mom's house. Baby Keegan was in a great mood and had lots to say. Here he is giving me some lovin'.

The boys went fishing for candy.

And took a break to eat some hot dogs. Everyone knows a ninja needs to eat some food so he has the energy to trick or treat all night long!
Then we went back to our house for the real deal!

And here they are holding their first baby captive by throat!

It was FREEZING, but Gavin was on a mission.
"Just one more piece of candy, Mommy!"
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