I saw this on Facebook, but thought it would be more appropriate to post here. If you have kids of your own or have ever had kids of your own or have ever seen kids in your life, you'll understand that this is an awfully long survey for them to sit for. It cost me 4 jelly beans and a twenty minute game of Hot Hoops to get their cooperation.
1. What is something mom always says to you?
Gavin - you love us
Logan - you love us
2. What makes mom happy?
G - you saying you love us
L – when we play nice
3. What makes mom sad?
G – fighting
L – when we fight
G – fighting
L – when we fight
4. How does mom make you laugh?
G – saying funny words when we cry
L – when you say funny words like when you say, well, I can’t really remember.
G – saying funny words when we cry
L – when you say funny words like when you say, well, I can’t really remember.
5. What was mom like as a child?
G – movie, the little toaster (?????????)
L – a princess (good answer, Logan!)
G – movie, the little toaster (?????????)
L – a princess (good answer, Logan!)
6. How old is mom?
G – don't know, 15 or 50.
L – don't know, 21. No! 31!!!
G – don't know, 15 or 50.
L – don't know, 21. No! 31!!!
7. How tall is mom?
G – 30 or 31. Does that make sense?
G – 30 or 31. Does that make sense?
L – I really don't know. How many more of these questions?
8. What is mom's favorite thing to do?
G – read and check news on the computer
L – read books
G – read and check news on the computer
L – read books
9. What does mom do when you're not around?
G – play with Keegan and read
L – mop the floors
G – play with Keegan and read
L – mop the floors
10. If mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
G – don't know (Actually, he doesn't understand the question, and being the well-trained school psychologist that I am, I cannot bring myself to break standardization and re-phrase it for him).
L – for being your best friend
G – don't know (Actually, he doesn't understand the question, and being the well-trained school psychologist that I am, I cannot bring myself to break standardization and re-phrase it for him).
L – for being your best friend
11. What is mom really good at?
G – reading the news and cutting coupons
L – writing words
G – reading the news and cutting coupons
L – writing words
12. What is mom not very good at?
G – papers (???)
L – Cooking. Like sometimes you burn yourself.
G – NO! Mommy IS good at cooking.
L – Mommy’s not good at baseball then. Yeah, not at all.
G – papers (???)
L – Cooking. Like sometimes you burn yourself.
G – NO! Mommy IS good at cooking.
L – Mommy’s not good at baseball then. Yeah, not at all.
13. What does mom do for her job?
G – work at your school
L – talk to people that are sad because that’s what a psychologist does
14. What is mom's favorite food?
G - broccoli
G - broccoli
L – ramen noodles and p-sketti.
15. What makes Mommy proud of you?
G – happy
L – when we play nice and when I play t-ball and when I read to you.
16. If mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
G – don't know, a newsman (Again, he really doesn't understand the question).
L – you'll be on TV on the army show and you can win some money (Can you guess what he's talking about?)
G – don't know, a newsman (Again, he really doesn't understand the question).
L – you'll be on TV on the army show and you can win some money (Can you guess what he's talking about?)
17. What do you and mom do together?
G – read and play
L – play games.
G – read and play
L – play games.
18. How are you and mom the same?
G – don't know
L -- don't know. Geez. This is so boring. How many more?
G – don't know
L -- don't know. Geez. This is so boring. How many more?
19. How are you and mom different?
G – we don’t have the same flip flops
L – cause God makes us different, so we are.
G – we don’t have the same flip flops
L – cause God makes us different, so we are.
20. How do you know mom loves you?
G – cause daddy telled me
L – from being proud of us
G – cause daddy telled me
L – from being proud of us
21. Where is mom's favorite place to go?
G – Wild Adventures. Can we go there today?
L – Wild Adventures and Universal Studios
G – Wild Adventures. Can we go there today?
L – Wild Adventures and Universal Studios
This was so funny. I read it out loud just like I know they responded, and we laughed and laughed.
That's too funny. If I asked Macie any of those, I think all I'd here is "yup" or "um... yeah" for every answer.
hahahaha we don't have the same flip flops! LOL
And was he talking about the army show BOOT CAMP?! :)
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