After months of watching and imitating the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies from the 80's, Logan has joined Dragon System Tae Kwon Do! He's been enrolled for about a month and these pictures were taken before his little uniform came in, which is why he's wearing sweatpants. While we were waiting for one to be ordered in his size (extra, extra, extra small -- he's the littlest kid in a class full of children and adults of all ages), Logan attended several classes and watched the kids with higher belts practice with their "weapons". This is what he had to say about it:
LOGAN: How high of a belt do I have to be to get a weapon, mom? Those are cool!
ME: Well, I guess you have to be a green belt, 'cause that's what color those kids have.
(I really know nothing about Tae Kwon Do, so I have to google everything on my blackberry to answer any questions he might have....and he averages about 75 karate-related questions a night).LOGAN: Probably then, when my Gie comes in Master Murphy will say, "Logan, just tell your mom that you're a yellow belt now because you've been doing such a good job". And then I'll just be a yellow belt and I'll almost be a green belt so I can use weapons.
ME: Oh, really? You think so?
LOGAN: Yeah, and then when I'm big, like when I'm seven or something, I'll just be a black belt and I can be the teacher.