We've been to four orientations (three of which were for Logan), I've teared up several times, and I've played out this day in my head on numerous occasions. In the end, nothing really went as planned and all I could do was pray. We woke up a little too late, rushed to take a few pictures, and sped off to school. Despite my preparations the night before, I still arrived at Logan's school with only five minutes to spare and at exactly the same time as the other 700 parents. Logan did allow me to take a few pictures of him, which was part of the scenario I had planned out in my head. He also shocked me by letting me kiss him on the cheek in front of another student! It was over as quickly as it started. No tears...by either participant. No dramatic exits. No "Boo-Hoo Breakfast" in the guidance office (if I need therapy, I'll call on one of my umpteen psychologists/friends). Just a normal day at school where a big kid is off and on his own. Jay's experience taking Gavin to school ran just as smoothly, but then again his Pre-K4 class is in the same classroom, with many of the same kids. Just a different teacher. My boys spread their wings today and flew with the utmost success!
Betton Hills Preparatory School
Pre-K4, Ms. Sara
Gilchrist Elementary School
Kindergarten, Mrs. Zeterour
(Yes, he really can say Mrs. Zeterour!)

Gilchrist Grizzlies

August 24, 2009
So, what did they have to say about their first day?
GAVIN: I like my teacher and I didn't go to time-out.
LOGAN: I like the playground even though it's like SOOOO small. As small as a mouse. And I don't like school lunch. That was gross. Can you not make me eat that anymore? And my least favorite thing was when they made us take a rest. Why do we have to do that when we're so big now?
Funny! Logan looks so proud to be in Kindergarten. Gavin, of course, will pick up where he left off last year.
Are they both in school all day? *sigh* they do grow up too quickly don't they?
I love all these pictures!
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