Wow! Boy has it been a past couple of weeks in the Allison household! A couple of weeks ago, the dreaded Swine Flu hit me like a ton of bricks while I was in the middle of a "crisis" situation with a child at one of my schools. I had no choice but to walk out on the school, which at the time, I felt terrible about. In hindsight, it's better that I didn't continue to share my germs around the school. H1N1 kept me bedridden...literally...for a week. My fever consistently increased to 103 degrees (!!!!!!) in the evenings. And as the days blended into nights, I always knew the evening had come when my fever once again rose to 103. With constant Tylonol and Advil, I was able to keep it down to a miserable 100-101 degrees throughout the day. Miraculously, the kids didn't get it. I attribute this to the fact that my husband's OCD tendencies kicked into overdrive. He shipped the kids off to Nana's whenever possible, quarantined me to my bedroom, forced me to wear a mask, and worked diligently to completely disinfect the house. Lysol was his BFF.
Well, as they say, it takes a village to raise a child...especially when Mommy is feeling under the weather. So all I can say is THANK GOD FOR NANA (and Papa...and Miss Shannon...and Nanny Ashley...and Nanny Hannah...and....).
As week one of my illness rolled over into week two, Jay insisted that I go to Urgent Care (I should note here that I had already been once at the start of my illness. Despite the fact that a nurse had informed Jay over the phone that I would be able to receive an anti-viral, they sent me back home with a prescription for "lots of rest and fluids"...NO MEDS!). I reluctantly and angrily agreed to go see a doctor, which in hind-sight might have even saved my life! Since I was unable to drive myself, Jay had to leave work to take me to the doctor and as I was in the process of receiving my diagnosis of pneumonia (and treatment), our 2nd nanny (Hannah) called to say that Keegan had a fever. So, Jay drove me home from the doctor's office, picked Keegan up, and headed right back where he came from. Keegan's diagnosis: Ear infection (Yay, Antibiotics!). You would think this is the end of my story, but since all bad things for the Allison's occur in clusters, Keegan woke the next morning with an ear that looked like this:

These pictures really do not even do it justice. It was seeping at the top of the ear and was swollen to almost twice its normal size. There was a puddle and stain in his bed from where it had been leaking all night.

I feel loved, needed, and missed by my family...a great feeling as a mom. It's so good to be back!

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