Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sweet Summertime: Part 4

Staying up late.
Going to the movies.
Wild Adventures.
Playing at the park.
Sleeping in (occasionally). Well, maybe it's just Mommy who sleeps in.
Playing in the rain.
"Field trips" all around town.

These are just a few of the things I love about summertime.

Popsicles anywhere and all the time.

Picnic lunches at the pool.
Quality Mommy time. No work!!!
Swim lessons.
Swimming, swimming, and more swimming.
Red Elephant lunches with Nana and friends.
The coveted "swim test passing bracelet" which entitles one to swim all day in the deep end of the lap pool.
Skinks. I don't like them, but I have to add them to my summertime list because they seem to follow me wherever I may be.
High Fives.
Unmandated afternoon naps.
Brothers and friends.
Oh, summer. I love you so.

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