Saturday, May 31, 2008

Who made the trees?

This conversation took place in the car on the way home last night:

LOGAN: Who made the trees, Mommy?
ME: God did.
LOGAN: Well he did a pretty nice job!

Friday, May 30, 2008

A family of Glow-worms

Like the others, Keegan has a little jaundice and has to stay on a bili-blanket (check out the glowing blue light) until his bilirubin levels return to normal.

He's just another Allison boy!Keegan (above)


and the original glow-worm

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Home sweet home

Nowadays, they will keep a new mother in the hospital for 48 hours after delivery. Apparently that was not always the case. We noticed a trend in talking with all of the more "mature" women we know...evidently, when you had your children, you were either kicked out or left of your own accord shortly after birth. So, Jay...thinking only of my comfort and well-being, of course...asked the nurse if we could leave early. The chair he's sitting on in the photos below converts to a "twin" bed for the husbands to sleep on -- a twin bed for really short, skinny people, that is! To our surprise, the nurse cleared us to leave after getting the ok from our pediatrician and OB, and we were on our way! Can you tell how happy we are to be blowin' this joint?
God is smiling down on his newest creation and welcoming Baby Keegan into the world! I can't remember the last time I've seen a rainbow and just as we were turning towards our house, this rainbow appeared. It looked as if it were guiding the way straight to our home.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Better than Baby Keegan

On the way to visit Mommy and Keegan at the hospital, the boys stumbled upon a medevac and got to have a look around!


The first thing Logan asked when he came to see me was, "Where did your big tummy go, Mommy?" At least he thinks it's gone down a little bit -- I certainly think I still look about 6 months pregnant! See what I mean about that unconditional love? I was amazed at how different their reactions were to Keegan. Logan hovered somewhere between curious/uninterested, and threatened/awed. He seemed to like seeing his little brother at first, but quickly picked up on the amount of attention Keegan was getting from the adults. He stated that he was ready to leave and started crawling on the floor saying, "goo-goo, ga-ga" (Gavin played "Mommy" in response). Gavin was very motherly towards Keegan. He never tired of him and asked if he could "pet him". By nature, he's always the one interested in pets and all other living animals. I don't think he really understands in full what this is all about, but he certainly loves his little brother.While they were visiting, I changed Keegan's first poopy diaper. You know, the meconium ones? It looks like black tar and has the same consistency. They were thoroughly grossed out and confused. Kissing Keegan goodbye 'till tomorrow.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'm the big brother

Here we come to meet Baby Keegan and bring flowers for Mommy. Note the "I'm the big brother" shirts courtesy of The Bunt's and Cafe Press. They especially love the guitars on the front.

"The official play by play" OR "The labor I almost slept through"

6:00am -- I wake up. Still pregnant. So I still have to go to work.

12:00pm -- As my desire to become un-pregnant occupies my thoughts to the point of obsession, I seek out and eat the hottest Mexican food I can find. Then I add hot sauce to it by the tablespoon.

3:00pm -- I leave work and leave my laptop and all of my "important stuff" at one of my schools in the hopes that Murphy's Law will take effect.

4:00pm -- Desperate, I walk 1 mile on the treadmill, do 50 squats, and roll around on my birthing ball while watching Dr. Phil.

6:30pm -- After dinner, determined, I walk another mile, do 60 squats, and roll around on the birthing ball again.

7:30pm -- I take a shower and look forward to a quiet night in front of the couch watching the Idol finale. BUT.........My water breaks in the shower.

8:15pm -- We arrive at the hospital. The guy checking us in at the ER is at his first day on the job. He is very nervous and tremendously slow. It's so bad that some guy in the waiting room comes up and asks the people at the front desk to hurry up so I don't have to deliver in the right then and there!

8:45pm -- In triage, they decide that I'm 2cm dilated and it'll probably be awhile before we have a baby.

11:30pm -- Still 2cm. Looks like it's going to be a long night. My doctor gives up and heads home to get some rest. At his advice, I get my epidural (while the anesthesiologist is already in the maternity ward so I don't miss him!) and take an Ambien to help me get some sleep. In the morning, they plan on starting Pitocin. Since I never take sleeping pills, the Ambien makes me crazy, loopy, and delirious. For some reason I keep talking about JoJo's Circus!

3:30am -- ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. But suddenly I'm 7cm. Oh well...ZZZZZZZZ...who cares? ZZZZZZZZ.....

4:30am -- ZZZZZZZZZZ....I love Ambien and epidurals....ZZZZZZZZ. The nurse comes in to check me. Fully dilated and his head is right there and ready to go. It's time to push. She turns on all the lights, gets all set up. But wait! I want to go back to sleep! I don't really feel like pushing right now. Another nurse suggests that they call my doctor since this is my third baby and he might come quickly.

5:00am -- The doctor walks in and I push him out. It all happens very fast. Honestly, I just want to push him out so I can go back to sleep, but once he arrives, it's love at first sight and I get a second wind. WELCOME BABY KEEGAN!

So, that's my story.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Come one, come all

Some of you have been asking whether or not we're taking visitors. I guess the answer to that is that if you're reading this, and you live in Tallahassee, and you know we like you, then you're welcome to come by the hospital and meet Keegan today (5/23). We are at CRMC, not TMH, so don't go to the wrong place 'cause you won't find us! Just make sure you call my cell first.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tiny miracles

Created with love.
Created from the heart.
Created to complete our family.Our prayers have been answered.

I'm not pregnant forever!!!!!!

Well, I don't know if I would completely agree with Jay that he just "slipped right out", but it was definitely close. I mean, he was sliding all around and looked like he was falling out of the doctor's hands. This was, by far, the easiest and quickest labor I've experienced. I guess that's what happens when a baby pretends to come for three weeks straight -- he takes pity on his poor mommy and hurries it along. I'm just so thankful to be able to hold him now and to NOT BE PREGNANT ANYMORE!

So, bear with me for a little while as we just try to enjoy him and catch up on some sleep and I'll post all the delicious details of last night's events in a separate post.

Without further ado, we welcome baby Keegan.......

When we got there I immediately set to work preserving my strength for the long night ahead. ;)

The newest addition to the Allison clan. Keegan Matthew Allison.

Born May 22nd, 2008 at 5:00am.

8 lbs. 7oz. 21 inches

Keegan slipped right out. I know, I know easy for me to say right? But I promise she'll tell you the same.

A beaming mommy with her new baby boy!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


May 21st - Katie's water broke at about 7:30 tonight. As I type this we are at Capital Regional Medical Center in labor and delivery. Her contractions were pretty frequent, about 2-3 minutes apart, but appear to be stalling a little. Will continue to update (when I'm not busy being a super supportive husband)


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The full moon phenomenon

FACT: Statistically, more babies are born during a full moon.

FACT: Keegan was not one of them.

I had another doctor's appointment yesterday. I was sure it would be my last one. I was wrong.

Despite the fact that I am now 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced (how am I even still walking around????), Keegan has not descended down into the birth canal. Basically, my body is progressing, but Keegan is not. He's comfy where's he's at. Because of this, my induction scheduled for Wednesday has been canceled. If I were to be induced at this point, there's an 80% chance it would result in a c-section because he would likely not engage properly and would get stuck. My doctor isn't sure why this is occurring. One possibility is that he's too big (OUCH!) to come out, which might require a c-section anyway. We really don't know at this point. I was given two choices:
a) wait a week and see what happens.
b) go to a specialist to determine exactly how big he is and whether or not he can "fit". If he can't, we'd schedule a c-section.

Having already had two vaginal births, I'm really not interested in (read: scared of) a c-section. So, what's one more week? I've already been pregnant forever anyway. My doctor has assured me that he will not stay in there forever, so I guess I'll trust him. And so we continue to wait...

You know it's bad now that the kids have started yelling into my belly for Keegan to come out. Logan asks me daily, "When is Baby Keegan EVER coming out? Will it be in a long time? I hate things that are a long time! I like short."

Yeah, so does Mommy.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Logan for President 2008

Logan had his first school performance on Friday (5/16). They sang "Down by the Bay" and then each child had a rhyme to go along with their name. Logan said, "Did you ever see a Logan holding a slogan? Down by the bay!" It was a packed house, despite the pouring, sideways rain, thunder, and lightening (the performance was outside under an awning). Ms. Traci later shared that they were scared to come out due to the noisy, scary thunder and lightening. You wouldn't have known it though. They all did a great job.

"I'm swear I'm not a crook"
Based on the laughter when he said his line, he would have won by a landslide!

One side of the sign says, "Vote Logan: He supports more time at recess!"

And the other side says, "Vote Logan: He supports junk food at snack time!"

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Ultimate Procrastinator

I'm wondering what all of this means about Keegan's personality.

Logan came early and was so fragile and sweet -- he's still that way today. Gavin was quite active in utero, kicking and punching with little regard to the time of day or my discomfort -- he's my independent, little athlete. And now we have the baby that would never come out to meet us. Is he lazy? Laid-back? A procrastinator? I suppose only time will tell.

So, I had another appointment today, and it was not what I had hoped. I'm still 2 cm dilated, but my cervix remains "thick and high". I have an induction scheduled for next Wednesday (5/21), but essentially, this news means that they will be unable to induce if I have not made further progress. The doctor said they look at a criterion of five things when deciding to proceed with an induction. I currently only meet one out of the five components.

And so we continue to wait...and wait...and wait. I'm bored and just longing to hold him and wishing for the day when I can move like a normal person again. To get down on the floor with the boys and play with them. To tie my own shoes. To FIT into my shoes...

And so we take long walks, and I clean out closets, and we eat spicy foods, and we wait.

Another year with Ms. Traci

I think Logan has a crush on his teacher, Ms. Traci. The whole way to the art show, he repeatedly asked, "Is Ms. Traci going to be there?" In fact, he asks about her all the time and gets so excited in anticipation of seeing her Then, he becomes extremely "shy" whenever she's around and hides behind my legs. Last week, Jay said to her, "Logan asks about you all the time", to which Logan immediately became embarrassed and yelled, "No, I don't!!!!!!! I DO NOT!" Geez, Daddy, don't you remember how embarrassing that kind of stuff can be? We're just as embarrassing to them as our parents were to us, I suppose.

But really, she IS great! And I'm very happy to know that Gray will have her as a teacher next year. I can't imagine him having anyone else.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Breakfast with Picasso

This weekend, we went to an art show at Logan's school entitled "Breakfast with Picasso". It was actually very cool and we were impressed with the quality of art coming out of a bunch of four year olds...I mean, some of it is better than what I can do NOW!

We ate donuts, chatted with the other parents, and enjoyed some playground time. Gavin was so excited to see a friend from school named De'Naia. She recently transferred to Logan's school because Gavin's school is closing at the end of this month, but couldn't have cared less about seeing him there. Gray seemed oblivious to this small detail and kept trying to play with her. Now he's insisting she's his best friend.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Are you my best friend?

GAVIN: Logan, are you my best friend?

LOGAN: Yeah.

GAVIN: Then why do you always hit me all the time?

LOGAN: Because I want to.

GAVIN: Oh! Ok! (As if this is a pefectly reasonable explanation)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I guess he'll buy me some nice jewelry

I believe in the power of positive thinking. I thought for sure he'd be here by now and I dreamed about bringing him home on Mother's Day. But he's not, of course, or you'd have pictures of him all over this site. So, I've been trying to relax and take my mind off of it. Jay and my parents have been a big help. My mom and dad took the boys for a sleepover last night, and Jay and I went out to a nice, relaxing dinner. It felt like a Last Supper of sorts, since we know it will definitely be the last time we get to go out like this for awhile. We also cleaned the house and, once again, got everything ready for the hospital and for Baby Keegan's imminent arrival. Jay "let me" mop the floors today, Mother's Day, in an effort to encourage labor...or at least, that's what he said.

Here's an excerpt from a Mother's Day email from my friend, Laura. She writes, "I hope that your 4 boys ... Jay and Keegan both being counted, are being very nice to you, in fact, Keegan has a vital decision to make today ... do I want to be the best Mother's Day gift ever, or will I just buy her a great piece of jewelry someday!"

I guess he chose the jewelry. Remind me to tell him that one day.

Happy Mommy's Day

"I love you, Happy Mommy's Day", says Gavin as he plants a kiss on my ever growing belly. And just like that, my heart turns to mush.

Is there anything sweeter in this world then little children that put you up on a pedestal every day and love you with all of your imperfections? They don't notice when I'm having a bad hair day and tell me I'm pretty even when I'm make-up-less in my ratty old PJ's. They tell me they love me at just the right times, as if they somehow knew I had a bad day at work. They give me sloppy kisses streaked with chocolate-covered donut icing and notice my new earrings, even when Daddy doesn't. They love me unconditionally, and I will myself to forever remember each of those moments and call them up when I need them the most. So that even when they're grown, and we have an empty nest, and it's just the two of us again, I can remember toddler-Gavin loving me on Mommy's Day. And even when he's a grown man and forgets to buy me a card, I will still be reminded of that unconditional love.

So, to my own mother, I want you to know that although I didn't so much as buy you a card today, may you always remember toddler-Katie's homemade cards, sloppy kisses, and unconditional love. I love you, mom.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fashion Rule #1

Never, ever, EVER wear horizontal stripes if you are heavy in the midsection.

Vertical stripes = slimming

Horizontal stripes = bloated zebra
Notice how the stripes are uneven at certain areas of my belly showing where some areas have stretched more than others? That's the funniest part to me.

Stubborn Boy (must be a paternal trait!)

As of yesterday:
2cm dilated
Still contracting
Still no baby

We went for another walk last night to try to kick things into gear. I feel the distinct pressure of his head descending, so that's some progress at least. I've scheduled an induction for 5/21, mainly for my own mental health reasons as it gives me a specific date to focus on -- the night of the American Idol finale (sorry, mom!). Speaking of AI, I remember laboring with Logan and watching the contestants sing through my contractions. At times my contractions were so bad that I would miss entire songs being sung and have to ask the nurses whether or not they bombed the song.

Now, I know you're all going to write and tell me that he'll come when he's good and ready and inductions hurt like hell. You must forget what it's like to not be able to bend over to put on your own shoes in the morning. Or what it's like to have cankles where your ankles used to be!

Thank you for all your well wishes and phone calls. I really feel like it won't be long's to coming home by Mother's Day!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes

I'm still pregnant, so I'm still posting...

Here's an excerpt from a conversation I overheard earlier.

The setting: Logan is going #2 in the bathroom and Gavin is "observing".

LOGAN: I go poo-poo in the potty, Gray.
GAVIN: So do I.
LOGAN: No you don't, but you should.
LOGAN: No, you don't. I'm a big boy and you're not, so I'm on the potty train and you're not.

Cinco De Mayo

There are still 6 hours left until the end of Cinco De Mayo.

Here's a summary of our days events...

I woke up feeling "odd" (I'll spare you the details!) and ended up at the hospital by lunchtime. Although my contractions were 2.5 - 3.0 minutes apart, I was only 1cm dilated. All that work for just one centimeter!??!?! I was given the option of staying at the hospital and walking the halls until I progressed, or heading home to wait it out. As I'm not a big fan of hospitals, we chose the latter and headed out to get some good, spicy Mexican to encourage the process. I came home and managed to sleep through:
a) the contractions
b) the kids screaming and playing
c) my alarm/phone going off, and
d) my dear friend, Laura, coming over to bring us a delicious carb-free meatloaf!

I finally woke up and we took the kids on a much-needed Diego bike ride to relieve some of their energy and, again, help the process along. The timer for the above mentioned delicious meatloaf just went off and so we plan on taking Diego Bike Ride #2 after dinner. The kids are going to think it's Christmas!

So, we have 6 hours left. Come on, Keegan. You can do it!

Stay tuned...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Poll votes and baby update

Thanks to everyone who voted in our poll. Well, except for those of you who voted that I'll be overdue...I WILL find out who you are and hunt you down. In case you're wondering, I'm still pregnant. I'd post a picture, but it's not a pretty sight. At my last check up, I paid the $25 co-pay to have my OB say, "Well, it looks like you're gonna have a baby". Next Wednesday, I have another appointment and I will, once again, pay good money for him to tell me that I'm probably going to go into labor pretty soon. On the up side, I do feel like some progress is being made -- I'm having a lot of contractions, he seems to have dropped a little making it easier to breathe, and I'm "nesting" like mad around the house (cleaning out closets, cabinets, etc). The boys are very excited, the baby room is finished, and we have lots of diapers (remember this?). We will keep you posted via this blog when Baby Keegan makes his way on out, so check back, TOMORROW if I have anything to say about it!!!!