Wednesday, February 2, 2011

that's what brothers are for

1. Last night we played a family game of Candyland. Daddy was the dealer and Mommy was the peacekeeper. Gavin won, but the boys pretended Keegan did. He ran around the house this morning yelling, "I winned! I winned! Keegsie winned!"

2. Keegan is on an antibiotic for a double ear infection. I was able to convince the doctor to give it to us in a chewable pill form. Little did I know he would have to take FOUR giant, stinky horse pills per day for 10 days. I've gotten creative by putting it in various types of food (grilled cheese is nasty, but ice cream sundae works just fine). Keegan insists his big brothers feed it to him and the boys are thrilled that we have had ice cream sundaes every night for the past week! Finishing your dinner is not a prerequisite. This is going to be a difficult habit to break.

3. Logan is becoming such a good reader. He can even read Keegan his bedtime stories now. Gavin is right behind him, of course.

4. The boys insist they're "too big" for Dora, Baby Einstein, and Diego. But they always let Keegan choose the post-school/pre-homework movie. "Not Jackie Chan. My watch a Keegie movie!" He always chooses the same movie for, like, 2 weeks straight, and then he moves on. The boys patiently watch the self-proclaimed "baby movie" for the sake of keeping Keegan happy. Right now it's Monsters Inc., but last week it was Cars.

1 comment:

Patty said...

I'm coming to your house for dinner!