Wednesday, March 21, 2012

man of the house in training

We're getting a new roof today and they are in the demolition phase. It sounds like Santa and his reindeer have landed on our roof and are digging their hoofs into it. It's kind of freaking out the kids despite the fact that the guy in charge happens to be a friend of ours and came in the house this morning to explain what was about to happen. Daddy's at work, so we're on our own.

LOGAN:  Mom, are you SURE these people are, like, PROFESSIONALS?

ME:  Yeah, it's Jason! Why?

LOGAN:  Because, I mean, I just want to make sure they know what they're doing and everything. I mean, they're making a big mess and they could fall through the roof and don't you know that lots of things could happen,Mom?

ME:  Yeah, but they know what they're doing.

LOGAN:  Ok, well I'm just making SURE.

1 comment:

Patty said...

What a riot! Nice to know he is looking out for you and the boys.