Sunday, April 6, 2008

I'm that lady...

...that can't control her kids in public. Everyone stares at me and shakes their heads. "Boy, you sure have your hands full", they say. "And your having ANOTHER one????" Yeah, what gave you that idea? So, that's what happened to me this weekend. I think the boys know Mommy's too fat and exhausted to chase them, so they just run around like the crazies they are. And I waddle after them and threaten to take away everything fun they own. But the best part is that I'm too swollen (read: fat) to wear my wedding rings anymore, so I look like an unwed-pregnant-for-the-third-time-stressed-out-mom who can't control her kids.

I took the boys to the FSU circus this weekend while Jay attended a surprise party for a friend. All in all, it was a good time, but why is it that everything I try to take the boys to is three hours long? I mean, shouldn't the circus/parade/movie/show geared towards children be under two hours? The average attention span of a kindergartner is only 15-20 minutes, so what should we expect from a two- and three- year old hyped up on cotton candy? And couldn't the balloon lady have made them something safer than swords???

But our seats were great and it brought back memories of my time spent as a Spanish Web-erina during my Freshman year of college (I'm embarrassed to say I'm a drop-out though because they wanted me to practice at un-Godly hours of the 10am!). We actually had a really good time overall. If you live in Tallahassee and haven't seen it, you really should check it out. They're very talented.

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