Thursday, April 3, 2008

We're best friends

It's naptime in the Allison house. This week we turned the boys' playroom into their playroom/bedroom in order to make room for Keegan to have a nursery. They're used to sleeping together, but it's so much more fun now that they have all their toys right in there with them. So here's how naptime went today:

(The boys have been separated for "fooling around" when they should be trying to sleep. Logan is in Baby Keegan's room sleeping on the floor. After several minutes of separation, Gavin comes out of his room).

ME: What are you doing out of bed?
GRAY: Where's Logan? I want Logan!
ME: Logan's sleeping in Keegan's room because you guys keep fooling around.
ME: Just go to sleep. You can see him when you wake up.
GRAY: But you can't do that!
ME: Why not?
GRAY: Because Logan's my BEST FRIEND!

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