Tuesday, September 30, 2008

new booster seats

In an effort to accommodate our growing family and lower our monthly gas expenditures, we recently bought new booster seats for the Civic with the hopes of driving it more frequently while traveling as a family (30 mpg vs. 15 mpg in the Expedition!) This means we needed to find a way to fit 3 car seats in the back seat...not an easy task. So, we finally figured it out (kind of -- my recommendation to you would just be to stop having kids after you reach two and if you must have more than two children, just give in and buy a mini-van) and Jay finally found an extra minute to install them in the car. Of course, the boys immediately started exploring their new surroundings and the following conversation ensued (as retold by Jay):

LOGAN: Whoa! New car seats!
GRAY: Wow!
LOGAN: What's this, Daddy?!?!?
GRAY: Those are hold-cuppers, Logan!
GRAY: You know...hold-cuppers! It's where you put your juice!

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