Friday, December 5, 2008

What does Ms. Tycia look like?

Logan has been dying to meet Ms. Tycia, Gavin's new teacher since Ms. Traci left. This probably somehow has something to do with Logan's crush on Ms. Traci. In any case, Jay has been promising to drop Gavin off first at school one day so Logan can finally meet Ms. Tycia and it's been the hot topic around our house for awhile now. This conversation ensued on the evening before the planned Ms. Tycia meet-and-greet:

LOGAN: Daddy's gonna drop me off first tomorrow.
GAVIN: I know.
LOGAN: So I can meet Ms. Tycia.
GAVIN: I know.
LOGAN: What does Ms. Tycia look like?
GAVIN: (after a thoughtful pause) Umm...she looks like happy. She looks like funny.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

so... what did Logan think?