Saturday, June 6, 2009

my second day of summer

On my second day of summer, I joined the local gym, and now I can't walk. Keegan also had his check-up and shots. Not fun with a one-year old. Poor little guy. He weighs 25 pounds and is at the 95th percentile for height. Gavin had his check-up and did well, but was a bit ticklish while the doctor was trying to do his examination. He's 75th percentile height and weight. He failed the vision screening (which I asked them to do since the child is so clumsy and is constantly running into walls), so we have an eye appointment scheduled for early July. Logan's rash persists and we've decided it's finally time to see an allergist. His appointment is mid-July, just before we leave for Duck. They want him off of antihistamines for 3 days, which might be impossible, but we'll try it.

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