Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Allison Weekly -- Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend was not what I had planned, to say the least. Logan started us off Friday night with a nasty stomach virus that hit about 45 minutes after we had gone to sleep. Jay and I had put the kids to bed early and enjoyed a relaxing evening on the couch, glass(es) of wine in hand. Funny how quickly you can sober up when you need to. Anyway, poor baby. It always hits him the hardest. So, six hours later, he was finally able to get some sleep. By that point, Jay had done several loads of laundry, we had no clean sheets or towels in the house, and we were exhausted from staying up all night cleaning the carpets, floors, and bathrooms. Just as Logan finally fell asleep, Gavin came running in to inform us that he "threw up all over the room". This was the understatement of the year, but I'll spare you the gory details. Luckily, Gavin has a stomach of steel and this was pretty much the end of it for him. Saturday and Sunday were spent cleaning, disinfecting, doing laundry, nursing Logan back to health, and tending to a sick Keegan (of course he didn't want to be left out). Keegan's illness appeared to be something entirely different (runny nose, cough, etc.) and culminated with the appearance of two new teeth! So, not the relaxing holiday weekend I had planned, but everyone is feeling better now.

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