Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Red, Yellow, Green and Kindergarten woes

After a bit of a rocky start, Logan is really enjoying Kindergarten. He wasn't feeling well for the first week of school and came home a few times complaining that no one was playing with him on the playground. Fast forward one week and he's all smiles in the morning and is already asking for me to set up a play date with "Max". Of course, Max was "on yellow" today, meaning that he did something naughty in class, so only time will tell if Max will really get to come over for a play date. Hey, I'll interfere while I still can, thank you very much.

So about being on yellow...Logan's class has your standard classroom wide behavior system where all children start the day on green and move back and forth through green, yellow, and red for various inappropriate behaviors. Logan brings home a notebook each day with a smiley face colored red, yellow, or green accordingly. He nags me to sign this book about 105 times an evening, which lets me know that Mrs. Kindergarten Teacher is giving them candy upon receipt of the signed notebook each day. Today Logan's smiley face was colored kind of a confusing, ambiguous, yellow-green rather than a primary green.

This was our conversation:

ME: Logan, you're on YELLOW today!?!?! How come?
LOGAN: No, mom. I'm on green!
ME: This looks like yellow to me.
LOGAN: No, really, it's green. I just picked a funny green color today on accident.
ME: Are you sure you're not on yellow?
LOGAN: No! Mom! You know I would never do that to you!!!!!!


Patty said...

He is so sweet!

Johnna said...

Makes me think of a day when Kelly came home with a red! He had no idea why it would be red, cried and swore up and down that he really wasn't on red. The next day I went in to see the teacher to see what was going on. She had accidently put the next boys red on Kelly's chart. She was almost as upset as Kelly was! It ended up being kind of funny and he got extra special treats in class that day. LOL