Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Logan A.: Board-Breaker

Logan broke his very first board at TaeKwonDo last night! He was the youngest kid in the room and Master Murphy called him to the front (something he doesn't usually do) and had him try out his "step-behind-side-kick" on a piece of wood. He broke it on his second try! Jay yelled out in surprise and the class erupted in applause. Logan was in just shock.

Next week, he tests for his yellow belt. Requirements include: 27 Movements, Kiesha 1, and Board-Breaking. Nana will be babysitting Keegan (class doesn't start until 8:30pm!), so I'll have the opportunity to take lots of pictures.

Jay has really been enjoying TaeKwonDo himself, despite the aches and pains of old age! He's come a long way and recently earned his yellow tip. He practices almost nightly with Logan, and it seems to be a great bonding experience for them. Since much of the class consists of children, Jay is often used as a punching bag for the young, fit black belt men training for another "degree" of their black belt. I like to think of it as Master Murphy's way of keeping him in line for me!

I'm so proud of all the boys in my life!


Jessica said...

Way to go LOGAN! You gotta show us your moves at Duck!

Karen said...

You go Logan!!! Fantastic and what a fantastic thing for Jay and Logan.
Proud "auntie" in Arizona :)