Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Trottin'

Today we are thankful for good food (not turkey, we are having ribs!), precious time with loved ones, and our health. We are reminded how delicate and precious our lives are and are thankful for every moment we have together.

This year, three generations of family runners participated in the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot. He ran hard and didn't give up. He couldn't..."Allison's never quit".

I made a PR on my 5K which will serve as a baseline for training this upcoming year. I love running but don't have the time to train for the long distance runs, so I plan on working to improve my shorter races. For this race, I started at the front with the young little track runners with 1% body fat and a woman who had just returned from a 120 mile race! This was my friend (and running partner) Ali's idea, not mine. Even though she works as a personal trainer/aerobics instructor, I was supposed to be the one pulling her along at a sub-9 minute mile pace. She ended up kicking my butt on a hill using her killer quads and I could never quite catch her after that. She beat me by 10 seconds or so, but I still had a great race.

Jay underestimated his skillz and started too far in the back, so he spent most of the race dodging children on bikes and women pushing jogging strollers. Dad insisted we would all finish long before him, but passed Jay early on and ended up crossing the finish line right behind him. Everyone had fun and a new tradition was born.

It's all in the family.

He's beating me!

"Hey, ladies. Check me out. I just finished a one mile!"
Chillin' post-race with the ladies once again.
Keegan was there too!

Logan getting ready for a board room meeting.
One more thing we are thankful for...Jay's assigned parking spot near the start line and a key to his work allowing private access to some clean, flushable toilets before the race! The boys are thankful for the receptionist's candy jar, I think.


1 comment:

Patty said...

Cool! Wondering though about Logan's arm around his girlfriend!