Tuesday, July 8, 2008

happily ever after

We took our first road trip as a family of five this weekend. We headed over to Jacksonville beach to visit my cousins for the fourth of July (I'll post pics of our trip later). Jay and I considered it a little dry run for what's to come -- we'll be driving to the Outerbanks (13 hours!) in a couple weeks. The older boys were good. Keegan hates the car. He starts screaming even when he thinks we're about to get in the car, but again, that's another post.

So, Logan got bored along the way and decided to write his own story. It went something like this:

Once upon a time there was a girl and a dragon...(some other parts here about the their adventures that I can't remember)...and then he ate her happily ever after. The End.


Johnna said...

Hey Katie! Where is that baby? He's 6 weeks old (I know because you blogged about it!) and we haven't seen him yet. Drop by and see us soon...I have some gossip (won't be there this morning but will the rest of the week).

We leave for the Outer Banks on the 1st but don't check in to our house until the 2nd. Can't wait! Any tips?

Miss you too! Johnna

Karen said...

Hi Katie. You know Alyssa hated the car also when she was a baby. That's so strange. Did Logan and Gavin hate the car also? Phil loved the car and, in fact, sometimes we would take him in the car to help put him to sleep!
Have fun in Duck - take PICTURES of everyone please :)