Saturday, February 7, 2009

Free Favorites

With the kids being so sick, this was not a great shopping week for me. I didn't make it to Walgreen's and I boycotted CVS for this ad run. They're running a "test ad" this week in Florida which doesn't include any Extra Care Buck deals (which is how I get stuff for free there). Even though they had a few things I needed, I didn't want to contribute to their little marketing test. I did manage great Publix trip (without kids!!!!) where I saved about as much as I spent, including the use of $27 worth of coupons. I got Muir Glen tomato paste, Jiffy Pop popcorn, and Pam Cooking Spray for free. We ate out or ordered in a few times more than normal thanks to the germs infesting my house, but hopefully I made up for it with my cheap Publix week.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hope you all are feeling better!!!