Tuesday, April 12, 2011

too much candy makes us wild and crazy

We kicked of Halloween weekend with a fun festival at Keegan's school followed by the annual Trunk or Treat at First Presbyterian Church. Waaaayyyyyy too much sugar was consumed eventually resulting in poor behavior, a stressed out Mommy, and tummy aches all around on the way home. Jay was the smart one -- he worked late that day. :)

Spidey on a Princess trike.

Fun, but so gross! I can't tell you how many kids put their mouth on this apple before he did. Nasty! Thankfully, Papa arrived at the church for the second rounds of parties. I was in desperate need of backup. Or maybe a beer.

I have no idea how I managed to get them to sit still for long enough to take this picture. Papa must have been FAST! Logan is taking this picture.... ...and now he's trying to run away with my oversized, heavy, and expensive camera. Understandably, we are chasing him...and yelling. Don't let the smile fool ya. Our summer playmates, Callie and Leah.

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