Wednesday, August 10, 2011

commonly referred to as the "poo-poo train"

Keegan has been the most difficult child to potty train, hands down. It has been a long and involved process. He's very particular and very stubborn, so he resisted it every step of the way. Keegan wants to do things things his way and on his own terms. If say, for instance, I offered him a piece of candy for using the potty, he would just say, "No, Mommy. I don't want any candy" and continue on with his business in his pants. Gradually, over the past year, we have gone from peeing in our potty exclusively to FINALLY using the restroom in public. While at school, he would literally "hold it" all day long (poor kid) and then demand that I let him pee in the woods outside of his preschool as soon as I picked him up. Well, it took some pleading and prodding and a little bribery from Nana, but Keegan finally earned what is now commonly referred to in our house as the poo-poo train. I'm delighted that Keegan is finally and fully completely potty trained both here and on the road.

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