Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lots of work to do

Gray earned the boys a trip with Nana and Papa to Universal Studios this week! On Sunday he was wearing diapers exclusively. On Monday, he was completely potty-trained. That's the power of bribes on a two-year old (more about their trip in another post).

So, here's my conversation with Logan a couple of days before they left. He had just gotten up from his nap, which is always when he's the sweetest.

LOGAN: Is it Wednesday yet?

ME: No, it's Monday.

LOGAN: Because when it's Wednesday, we're going to just JUMP into the car with Nana and Papa, drive to Universal Studios, go to the hotel, go swimming, and go to the biggest McDonald's in the world!

ME: Ok. Well, it's Monday.

LOGAN: And then I'm going to miss you SO much...when it's Wednesday, you know.

ME: Well, I'll miss you too!

LOGAN: But I won't miss you TOO much because we are going to be VERY busy. We have a LOT of work to do! (this sounds familiar -- right down to the tone of his voice. It's me, on any given weekend, trying to get the laundry or cleaning done with two little boys at my feet wanting to go "somewhere fun")

ME: Work?

LOGAN: Yeah! We have to go to work. You know, like we have to go swimming, go on all the rides, go to the world's biggest McDonalds...

If only work were really like that! By the way, I think their perception of "work" is kind of skewed. Pretty much on a daily basis, we drive by an elementary school near our house which is also "Mama's work". From the road, you can only really see the playground, so the boys must think I work at a playground all day. If only...

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