Sunday, June 29, 2008

lite ranch

So, I'm almost six weeks post-partum and 25 pounds heavier than I was pre-pregnancy. That means it's diet time! I'm also home for the summer, which gives me more time to break bad habits the kids have developed at school. The following conversation probably occurred because a) Logan has overheard me talking about how fat I am and how I shouldn't eat this or that, and b) snack time at school looks a lot different than snack time at home (think Chips Ahoy vs. apples and cheese).

(we're at Nana's house and the kids are eating ranch dip with veggies)

LOGAN: Mama, is ranch good for you or bad for you?

ME: Sorta bad for you (I'm not sure where he's going with this).

LOGAN: Well, we are eating ranch dip!

ME: Yes, but that's Lite Ranch, which is a little better for you.

LOGAN: Yeah, but dark ranch isn't! Dark ranch is bad!

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