Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Our little chat

Good news! Keegan and I had a little talk the other night about this not-yet-sleeping-through-the-night business. We agreed that he was no longer allowed to eat during the night. I mean, come on, you can tell by looking at him that he's not starving. So, he woke up once or twice for the past few nights and entertained himself by crying, playing in his crib, and/or kicking the wall with his feet. Then last night, he finally decided that he'd really rather just sleep since there's really no hope of eating before 6am. I slept 6 hours without interruption (got up once at midnight to return his missing pacifier to his mouth) and woke up feeling recharged and ready to work for a change. Hooray!

In other news, he still won't eat any solids and the doctor is still not concerned. He has a flu shot appointment tomorrow and I'll mention it again at that time.

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