Saturday, June 11, 2011

A moment to brag, if I may...

According to some random test results that came home in Logan's backpack a month or so ago, he's 7 years old and reading on a 5th grade level. He loves, loves, LOVES to read. To me, to his brothers, to himself, and to anyone who will listen. Chapter books, non-chapter books, the Bible, and even the newspaper. This can be both a blessing and a curse. Say, for example, that he reads a note not intended for his eyes and spoils a surprise. Or, he might read an article in the newspaper about a politician in a bit of trouble for hiring a prostitute. Or he could read a story about pro-life versus pro-choice. The list goes on, but none of them are not easy topics to try to explain to your 7 year-old who is known for his incessant questions. But boy does he know how to make a Mama proud!

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