Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Home sweet home

Nowadays, they will keep a new mother in the hospital for 48 hours after delivery. Apparently that was not always the case. We noticed a trend in talking with all of the more "mature" women we know...evidently, when you had your children, you were either kicked out or left of your own accord shortly after birth. So, Jay...thinking only of my comfort and well-being, of course...asked the nurse if we could leave early. The chair he's sitting on in the photos below converts to a "twin" bed for the husbands to sleep on -- a twin bed for really short, skinny people, that is! To our surprise, the nurse cleared us to leave after getting the ok from our pediatrician and OB, and we were on our way! Can you tell how happy we are to be blowin' this joint?
God is smiling down on his newest creation and welcoming Baby Keegan into the world! I can't remember the last time I've seen a rainbow and just as we were turning towards our house, this rainbow appeared. It looked as if it were guiding the way straight to our home.


Johnna said...
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Johnna said...

The rainbow is so cool! What a great memory and I would have so stopped to take a picture of it too. Welcome home!