Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Ultimate Procrastinator

I'm wondering what all of this means about Keegan's personality.

Logan came early and was so fragile and sweet -- he's still that way today. Gavin was quite active in utero, kicking and punching with little regard to the time of day or my discomfort -- he's my independent, little athlete. And now we have the baby that would never come out to meet us. Is he lazy? Laid-back? A procrastinator? I suppose only time will tell.

So, I had another appointment today, and it was not what I had hoped. I'm still 2 cm dilated, but my cervix remains "thick and high". I have an induction scheduled for next Wednesday (5/21), but essentially, this news means that they will be unable to induce if I have not made further progress. The doctor said they look at a criterion of five things when deciding to proceed with an induction. I currently only meet one out of the five components.

And so we continue to wait...and wait...and wait. I'm bored and just longing to hold him and wishing for the day when I can move like a normal person again. To get down on the floor with the boys and play with them. To tie my own shoes. To FIT into my shoes...

And so we take long walks, and I clean out closets, and we eat spicy foods, and we wait.


Anonymous said...

Well, you know there are OTHER things you can do to get labor going besides eating spicy foods. Probably the last thing on your mind but hey, you have to be a team player. :)

aly said...

Malcolm was 10 days late. He is laid back and hardly ever cries. (Unless he wants food.) And he's a pretty good sleeper. I think you're right, they are themselves even in utero. He's just in no hurry...