Saturday, May 3, 2008

Poll votes and baby update

Thanks to everyone who voted in our poll. Well, except for those of you who voted that I'll be overdue...I WILL find out who you are and hunt you down. In case you're wondering, I'm still pregnant. I'd post a picture, but it's not a pretty sight. At my last check up, I paid the $25 co-pay to have my OB say, "Well, it looks like you're gonna have a baby". Next Wednesday, I have another appointment and I will, once again, pay good money for him to tell me that I'm probably going to go into labor pretty soon. On the up side, I do feel like some progress is being made -- I'm having a lot of contractions, he seems to have dropped a little making it easier to breathe, and I'm "nesting" like mad around the house (cleaning out closets, cabinets, etc). The boys are very excited, the baby room is finished, and we have lots of diapers (remember this?). We will keep you posted via this blog when Baby Keegan makes his way on out, so check back, TOMORROW if I have anything to say about it!!!!


Anonymous said...

So far you've outlasted nat'l scrapbook day and Cinco De Mayo isn't looking too promising. How does Mother's day sound?

Unknown said...

Wow. I thought that Keegan would make his appearance for sure on Cinco de Mayo. (Considering his party-ing lineage and all). However, seeing as our phone hasn't rung today (yet) maybe he's got other plans. Hang in there, Katie! And...get out of there, Keegan!

Johnna said...

Didn't see you today and figured you had gone into labor but Kathy said you had been there. Remember your goal of the 12th. He'll be here soon enough. :-)